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                  1968 Jimi Hendrix London . © Jim Rice

         Please note this web site is the © of JIM RICE


1949... Born in a post war totally working class South London village called, “DEPTFORD”, the most amazing childhood anyone could ever wish for.


I started shooting back in the 1950s, on our Family Kodak Brownie 127.












I can still remember the total excitement of waiting for the prints to come back from the local, Evelyn St chemist and that EXCITEMENT, has never left me to this day.


Next that pinnacle of South London Education.... Credon Boys School South Bermondsey. In the early 1960s, I was skiving out of lessons to use the school darkroom. Then at 17 taking portraits of my girl friend Linda and here family.



With great 110% encouragement, support and plenty of pushing from her, I went on interviews for an assistance job.


After many disappointments, I still carried on shooting.


Then an off-chance meeting with my “HERO” Jimi Hendrix in London's Kings Road 1968. I took a very shaky shot of him. Now im really hooked!.


1969...I went for an interview with British Photographer and very cool...picture below... Peter Deal. Probably taken at the Mayfair Tiberio, near our Curzon Place Studio and a stones throw from the Playboy Club or San Lorenzo. Yes. even I had a 1970s menership at the London "PLAYBOY CLUB"!.








He tells me, he trained in New York, under some bloke called, Irving Penn then onto, a Bert Stern as studio manager early 1960s.











Rapidly moving on....Pete is now Studio Manager and with Bert on all the Marilyn Monroe shoots, arranging all the studio lighting including the now ikonik.... "THE LAST SITTING"!.


Pete was Fashion and Beauty and what a perfectionist he was. His New York experience clearly benefited me, no end. The only problem..... Fashion and Beauty was not my thing but Portrait and Street Photography clearly was.


Because of his time with Penn, Pete was an amazing B/W technician and printer and that bug also hit me. With many magical hours spent in the Darkroom.

Just an update... Pete was married to English Model and mum of 6 Pat Goddard. The influance they had on me was amazing and to me..My Second parants!










With many clients from Top British Magazines to Long Term personal shoots. The Last Jews of Whitechaple and Deptford Creek..Which also won

because of B/W printer Ken Ashby, the very Prestigous "ILFORD PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR"


This “Deptford Boy” really made good and the best fun ever...


No matter who I photograph, I treat all exacly the same. From 1970's NF Skin-Heads or high flying CEOs to Rock Stars. With that, great honest, "DEPTFORD" humor, you cant ever go wrong!


Clent List


The Observer.. The Independent Magazine.. Country Life.. High Life.. GQ Magazine.. Tatler.. Loaded.. Front.. Time Out.. The Times Educational Supplement.. ELLE.. British Gas.. Lang O'Rourke Construction.. BP.. Texaco.. Alfred Dunhill.. Charity Shoots .. Feltam Young Offenders Prison .. Shelter .. Help the Aged . LDDC


                                            Museum Collections


               The Museum of London.. The National Portrait Gallery..

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With many worldwide shoots and the amazing people I have met and photographed.











From “A Listers” and having a Pre-Shoot lunch for Lads-Mag Loaded. with the great Tony Bennett in Atlantic City to Game Hunts for Country Life Magazine in Post Russian Kazakhstan.















Group shot in the mountains with our Ex-Russian Army team....Please note the many smiling faces, not because of being with us but lots of serious locally brewed paint stripping “VODKA”!


Unfortunately the only bloody name they remembered was mine. Every now and again a deep drunken Russian voice would bellow around the hills....”Jim ….Jim”.


For some reason that deep melodic tone would bring back memories of that classic Burt Reynolds film .. “ Deliverance” and the now classic line “...Squeal .. Piggy .. Squeal”!


But the Country Life Team all survived and one of best and funniest shoots I have been on and there have been, many!.

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                                                                Equipment used from 1967....


                                                      Praktica Camera ..35mm 3.5 Pentax Lens

                                                        Pentax SP 500 ..35mm 3.5 Pentax Lens

                                                        Nikon FM .. 28mm 24 and 105mm Lens

                                                                  Nikon FE ..  21mm Lens

                                                                2 Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar lens


                          Film .. Ilford HP 5 Push-Procesed .. Acufine .. All Prints made on AGFA Record Rapid














                          Fuji X Pro 1 XE1 and 2 with adapters for all my manual Pentax and Nikon Lenses.

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1970 . Peter Deal's Curzon Place Studio . Mayfair . "My Best Days Ever". And Learnt how to take a descent "SNAP"!

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