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             © Jim Rice

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Peter Deal . Photographer


              Mosque . Galle . Sri Lanka

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Benny Green . British Jazz Saxophonist

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Pearly Queens . London


Buster Blood Vesal . Bad Manners Lead Singer

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1985 . The Osbournes . With Newborn Jack

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Jools Holland . British Bandleader . Composer

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Post Tsunami . Sri Lanka . January 2005

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Sir Jack Leslie  4th Baronet . Monaghan . Castle Leslie

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Loaded Magazine . Tony Bennett

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Country Life Magazine

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Keith Waterhouse . British Novelist

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GQ magazine . Gun Shop . Johannesburg . SA

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Gatekeeper . Sarsons Towerbridge Road . London 1970

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Principal Dancer . Royal Ballet . London

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Gypsy Kids . Deptford . London

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Larry Adler . American Composer and Musician

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Publicity Shoot . 3am Blackwall Tunnel . London

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When assistant to Pete I would be asked to shoot test shots for new models, portfolios.

This works both ways as the photographer and model both get new pictures.

This happened with Miss India ..Persis Khambatta back in the early 1970s.

Arrangements were made to meet up at my mums home at 269a Newcross Road.


Persis and my mother got on like a house on fire.. puffing away on one of my mums, "Woodbine Cigarettes” while she got changed into “ Modelling Mode”.


We did the shoot locally in Goodwood Road and Newcross Gate Station, using some local kids as backup.


Moving on ….. Persis is now getting top modelling jobs then … staring lead role as “Lieutenant Ilia Star Trek”!


So from Newcross in London to ...."To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before"!

Test Shoot Newcross . May 1971

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2 October 1948 – 18 August 1998

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